Olive Value Chain Assessment - Northwest Syria - August 2023

This study examines Northwest Syria's olive value chain, addressing challenges and opportunities. Despite its economic importance, conflict and climate pose risks. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, encompassing interviews with stakeholders from farmers to traders, the study analyzes phases like cultivation and marketing.

Promisingly, growth potential is identified, driven by ample arable land and diverse market demands, evident in products like olive oil, olives, pickles, and soap. While local households and traders remain key customers, international trade prospects exist. Nonetheless, the chain's vulnerability to climate shocks, including droughts and seismic events, is emphasized.

Through water management enhancements and strategic recommendations, the report proposes viable strategies for revitalizing the struggling olive value chain. Ultimately, the study offers valuable insights and prospects for reinvigorating Northwest Syria's olive industry.

  • Northwast Syria
  • Report
  • August 2023
