Who We Work With


iMMAP Inc. has proven its ability to support emergency response efforts across multiple geographic locations throughout Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. We are fortunate to have a diverse and extensive group of partners and donors who contribute to our work.



A cluster is a group of agencies that gather to work together towards common objectives within a particular sector of emergency response.

The cluster approach, instituted in 2006 as part of the UN Humanitarian Reform process, is an important step on the road to more effective humanitarian coordination. Ultimately the cluster approach aims to improve the predictability, timeliness, and effectiveness of humanitarian response, and pave the way for recovery. It strengthens leadership and accountability in key sectors. It also seeks to enhance partnerships and complementarity among the UN, Red Cross Movement, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Through the provision of information management services and expertise, iMMAP Inc. is a full member of seven global humanitarian clusters: Health, WASH, Nutrition, Food Security, Protection, Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications.


Health Clusters exist to relieve suffering and save lives in humanitarian emergencies while advancing the well-being and dignity of affected populations. Currently there are 29 Health Clusters/Sectors, of which 2 are regional coordination mechanisms. These Health Clusters/Sectors are working to meet the health needs of approximately 65 million people worldwide.


The Global Water Sanitation and Hygiene Cluster, or Global WASH Cluster (GWC) is a partnership grouping 76 partners and aiming at improving the coordination and the humanitarian response in the WASH Sector. It is managed through a governance system designed to facilitate the achievement of the 2016-2020 GWC Strategic Plan in a transparent and efficient manner. The Global WASH Cluster Strategic Plan that sets out the priorities decided by Partners will be reviewed and monitored to take into consideration the contextual changes associated with the Transformative Agenda of the Humanitarian Reform.

Global Nutrition

The Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) was established in 2006 as part of the Humanitarian Reform process, which aimed to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response programmes by ensuring greater predictability, accountability and partnership. The vision of the GNC is to safeguard and improve the nutritional status of emergency-affected populations by ensuring an appropriate response that is predictable, timely and effective and at scale.

Food Security

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is committed to saving lives through the coordination of the food security response in major emergencies. Effective coordination is only possible through close cooperation with partner organizations. The FSC provides the guidance at the country level that supports a broad base and timely response. The FSC works with national cluster systems in both sudden onset disasters, be they from natural or human causes, and protracted crises.

Global Protection

The Global Protection Cluster is a network of NGOs, international organizations and United Nations agencies engaged in protection work in humanitarian crises. Their mission is to ensure well-coordinated, effective and principled protection preparedness and response. In addition, the GPC unites members, partners and communities in four specialized Areas of Responsibility (AoRs): Child Protection (CP), Gender-based Violence (GbV), Housing, Land and Property (HLP) and Mine Action (MA).


The Logistics Cluster coordinates humanitarian logistics efforts in emergency contexts. Governments or Humanitarian Country Teams can request support, and the Global Logistics Cluster Support Team in Rome assists with staffing and coordination. It can also provide guidance and establish a Logistics Working Group if necessary, based on the operation's risk and available resources.

Emergency Telecommunications

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) is a global network of organizations that work together to provide shared communications services in humanitarian emergencies. The ETC is one of the 11 clusters designated by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).