Wheat to Bread Market Assessment (Part 1) – Northeast Syria – April 2023

The evaluation of the wheat-to-bread market system focuses on the challenges and opportunities faced by wheat growers in northeastern Syria during the post-crop wheat season for the 2022-2023 season.

The study covered 31 sub-districts across 11 districts in 4 different governorates in northeastern Syria, where 313 farmers and 90 traders were interviewed. The results highlight the main challenges facing farmers, including the impact of climate change on wheat production, access to affordable inputs, production costs and difficulties accessing water for irrigation. In addition, the study revealed that most farmers have access to storage facilities, but that there are variations in wheat production volumes and strategic storage capacities in the different governorates of north-eastern Syria.

Overall, the study recommends interventions to mitigate the impact of climate change, improve farmers' access to affordable inputs and promote sustainable wheat production practices to improve the productivity of the wheat-to-bread market system in northeastern Syria.

  • Northeast Syria
  • Report
  • April 2023
