UN OCHA Ukraine Strengthens Humanitarian Coordination, Empowered by iMMAP

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which left nearly 15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, UN OCHA has significantly transformed its Information Management (IM) practices to enhance response and coordination efforts. Ramon Shinkfield, head of the IM Unit for OCHA Ukraine, highlights the valuable contributions of iMMAP 's Information Management Officers (IMOs) to support this transformation.

Ramon Shinkfield joined OCHA Ukraine as head of the IM Unit, at a particularly challenging time – just four months after the full-scale invasion. The humanitarian sector was witnessing an unprecedented surge of activity as international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) rapidly established emergency programs, while local humanitarian actors established or expanded their operations. "Initially, we had to meet that immediate ramp up in needs," Shinkfield recalls. Faced with sudden influx of activities, OCHA and the inter-cluster coordination working group had to quickly adapt its IM capacity.

Ramon Shinkfield, head of the IM Unit for OCHA Ukraine. Photo: © iMMAP Inc. Ukraine, 2024

As the dust began to settle, the focus shifted. "But soon after a while our focus shifted to putting in some structure and stability and making our practices more sustainable." It was in this environment of rapid change and increasing complexity that iMMAP emerged as a valuable contributor in OCHA's efforts to strengthen humanitarian coordination.

iMMAP was able to play an important role during this transition by providing support to the clusters. "By that time, we already had several iMMAP specialists deployed to OCHA, and we knew they were well-trained, understood the humanitarian imperative, and could handle the task," Ramon notes. iMMAP 's involvement began with the deployment of three international Information Management Officers (IMOs) under the project ‘Provision of Information Management Support to Ukraine Crisis Response Clusters.’ This team was later bolstered by two national IMOs.

One of the most critical tasks for iMMAP specialists was supporting the setup and roll-out of the inter-cluster reporting system to enhance information exchange and coordination. Built upon the ActivityInfo (AI) platform, the Cluster IMOs under the guidance and support of the OCHA IM Team developed data collection forms and facilitated the migration of data from cluster templates into AI to establish a robust 'Who is Doing What, Where, When, and for Whom' (5Ws) monthly reporting system. To support the system’s adaptation, iMMAP specialists worked with Clusters to create comprehensive training materials and provided tailored training sessions on AI reporting for clusters and their partners. "iMMAP ’s contribution was instrumental in getting the system up and running smoothly," Shinkfield acknowledges.

iMMAP Inc. Ukraine team at work. Photo: ©iMMAP Inc./Tetiana Kuras 2023

The impact of iMMAP extended beyond reporting systems. iMMAP's IMOs contributed to the development of important IM products that support OCHA's operations. These include:

  • Humanitarian Access and Situation Snapshots
  • The Ukraine Funding Snapshot
  • An interactive Operational Presence dashboard
  • Various maps depicting the humanitarian situation in frontline areas

OCHA's strategic deployment of IMOs on the ground has proven valuable. For instance, an IMO based in Dnipro provides support to the OCHA Dnipro Hub, assisting in the coordination of humanitarian operations along the Eastern Ukraine frontline. Another, stationed in Odesa, contributes to operations in Southern Ukraine.

Having that direct connection with the OCHA Access Unit, Cluster Working Groups (WGs), and Humanitarian Operations Cell, the IMOs work closely with partners providing direct humanitarian assistance. This enables them to process first-hand data and transform it into useful products to support decision-making."Ramon Shinkfield, Head of IM Unit for OCHA Ukraine

Karina Kudaibergenova, a national IMO who supports the OCHA Dnipro Hub, adds, "Working with the Dnipro IM Unit is professionally fulfilling because the IM products we develop directly contribute to field operations and planning," she states. "Moreover, our close cooperation helps the central team in Kyiv better understand humanitarian needs in the field and produce high-quality products at the national level."

Reflecting on the progress made since the inception of the Cluster Support Project, Ramon Shinkfield notes that the collaborative efforts have enhanced OCHA Ukraine's IM capacity. He also points out that this progress opens up possibilities for further development.

In Ukraine, he envisions a future where information is managed "through systems built in Ukraine for Ukraine." This approach not only ensures more effective humanitarian coordination but also builds long-term national capacity in information management. As a result, the demand for national IM specialists will continue to rise.

In this context, I believe the role of iMMAP Ukraine will be invaluable, as they are able to find nationals with the right skills, train them properly, and prepare them for the unique operational environment."Ramon Shinkfield, Head of IM Unit for OCHA Ukraine

Project Overview: Provision of Information Management Support to Ukraine Crisis Response Clusters

iMMAP provides essential IM support to help organizations make data-driven, inclusive decisions in their aid efforts. In Ukraine, this work is funded by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) through the "Provision of Information Management Support to Ukraine Crisis Response Clusters" project.

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