Some of the main issues put forward to the presenters and moderators were the limitations faced in accessing remote locations, the use of AI, the use of online/offline data collection methods, and implementing do-no-harm policies in data collection activities and data protection. Throughout the event, these issues were collectively analyzed with the aim of overcoming limitations in accessing and visualizing data, to ensure accurate information is collected and presented. iMMAP´s prior experience with new technologies globally was incorporated into the event through the discussion and analysis of how these innovations can be adapted to the context of Colombia and Venezuela, to improve humanitarian response coordination and meet the needs of vulnerable communities.
Positive feedback regarding the event was provided by the moderators and speakers, who highlighted the benefit of ¨showing innovations, content, and ways of using data for different sectoral needs¨.
Through technical work, knowledge sharing, building and strengthening the technical capacity of our partners, and seeking synergies with key organizations to find innovative solutions to our partners' challenges, iMMAP is helping lead the way to a new era marked by a change in the dynamics of humanitarian crisis response.