Post-Training Activities Highlight Success of IM Training in Nigeria

By effectively applying the skills delivered by iMMAP, past participants to our IM training are already making a difference in the humanitarian response to the crisis in northeast Nigeria, as observed during post-training engagements

iMMAP Capacity Building Officer with members of IOM Livelihood sector team

With support from the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), iMMAP Nigeria has been conducting rounds of IM capacity building training towards supporting humanitarian response actors in northeast Nigeria. The training series began with Round I in March 2018 and has continued through to Round VII in May 2019. Over 300 humanitarian partners have been trained so far in all seven rounds. The IM training series was developed to strengthen humanitarian partners’ capacities to optimize IM tools, platforms, technologies, and best practices for a better, more effective response, in alignment with the humanitarian principles.

Another key component of our capacity building efforts is supporting knowledge retention by providing ongoing post-training support to participants of past sessions. This is the first exercise of its kind in the northeast Nigeria humanitarian response. From the first week of May 2019, partners who were trained from Rounds I to VII are being systematically engaged to ascertain how their newly acquired knowledge and skills are being practically implemented on the job and to troubleshoot issues.

Past participants are targeted by sector and those with challenges are added to the scheduling system to meet with our Capacity Building Team in participants’ respective offices to analyze and resolve issues. For the maximum efficiency and to provide targeted support, follow-up sessions with participants are conducted one-to-one, with group sessions whenever possible. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), for instance, made the best use of the exercise by designating nine members of its Livelihoods team to attend the follow-up exercise and learn more about GIS and QGIS software.

Achievements and products developed by iMMAP-trained Partners:

iMMAP has been receiving several success stories from past participants that are effectively using the learned skills to make a difference in the Humanitarian response in northeast Nigeria.

At Hallmark Leadership Initiative (HLI), a national NGO (NNGO), IMMAP met up with Mustapha Bukar Gamdu, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer and participant of the Round V training session in Maiduguri. Mustapha shared three Kobo survey forms he created for different purposes using the knowledge and skill acquired from the training:

Back to home project (AAN/HALI)
Hallmark Staff Profile
Step Down Training

Participants during a previous IM training organized by iMMAP in northeast Nigeria

Benjamin John is a Program Officer at another NNGO, Restoration of Hope Initiative (ROHI). He attended the First Round of the Humanitarian Information Management training in March 2018. Benjamin has been utilizing his new knowledge and skills from the Information Management training delivered by iMMAP with great success. He shared with us some of the products he has developed which are actively being used by his organization:

Schools identified and selected for support by ROHI (Map)
ROHI operational presence (Map)
Maiduguri and Monguno Education Response (Map)
Children Post Distribution survey (Kobo)
Progress on activities 2019 (Report)

iMMAP Nigeria´s Senior Capacity Building Officer, Mr. Richard Senoga, delivering one of the IM training for humanitarian actors in northeast Nigeria

We also met up with Sulaiman Badamasi, the M&E Manager for Education at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) who was an iMMAP IM training participant in Round V at Maiduguri. His new skills in QGIS from the training and other knowledge gained have helped him develop maps used in his reports to the advantage of beneficiaries affected by his work. Some of these maps include:

Mainstream Visual
TCO for Enumerators Cohort II end line
Implementation Area

Sulaiman Badamasi, M&E Manager for Education at the International Rescue Committee

This follow-up exercise has helped me address all areas of difficulty I have been struggling with whilst working alone. I am now properly integrating what I learned with my work. Thanks a lot to iMMAP for attending to my requests anytime I call.Suleiman Badamasi - M&E Manager for Education at IRC

In the follow-up visit to Street Child, the international NGO, we met Ifeanyi, a participant of Round V, who has been very effective in translating the skills learned during the IM Training into action. He has been able to develop both structured and unstructured questionnaires for rapid assessment in two communities Pulka and Damboa on NHF project, to develop and deploy 12 forms on Kobo platform, to carry out regular data cleaning and analysis using pivot tables, and to develop multiple maps.

Participants at training

These post-training partner engagements also help the iMMAP team to identify organizations that lost the knowledge previously learned when the person trained left the organization or the humanitarian sector. This information will help iMMAP Nigeria reassess gaps for more strategic invitations to future training rounds.

Overall, iMMAP is continuing its efforts to further the humanitarian response in Northeast Nigeria through this first-of-a-kind exercise. The program has proven instrumental in reinforcing the knowledge and skills of participants and resolving a variety of lingering issues, with the ultimate goal of providing professional IM services that support humanitarian response operations.