To all the youth out there: Believe in your potential and never underestimate the power of your contributions

In celebration of International Youth Day 2024, we are highlighting the remarkable journey of Musa Muhammad Lawan, a former Information Management Intern at iMMAP Inc. in Nigeria.

Musa's story is a testament to the power of youth in driving innovation and making a meaningful impact on humanitarian efforts. From his early days as an intern to his current role as an Information Management Officer at Grassroot Initiative for Strengthening Community Resilience (GISCOR). Musa's dedication to harnessing data and technology has not only shaped his career but also contributed significantly to the broader goal of sustainable development.

Strengthening local capacity and localization efforts are at the core of iMMAP Inc.'s mission, and Musa's journey exemplifies how empowering local youth with crucial skills can lead to transformative change in their communities and beyond. In this interview, Musa shares his insights on the importance of information management, the role of youth in fostering peace and development, and his vision for the future.

Photo: Musa Muhammad Lawan undertakes his work as an Information Management Officer with Grassroot Initiative for Strengthening Community Resilience (GISCOR), in Nigeria. ©Musa Muhammad Lawan, 2024

How would you define information management and its significance?

Musa: Information Management to me is vital for saving lives and alleviating suffering by providing accurate information. It involves systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of data to support humanitarian operations, ensuring that aid agencies have accurate and timely information to identify needs, plan responses, and allocate resources efficiently. It also enhances the impact of aid, promotes accountability, and helps build resilience in crisis-affected communities.

Why do you believe it's important for youth to develop information management skills?

Musa: Equipping youth with information management skills is essential because it empowers them with the tools to thrive in our technology era. As everything becomes more systematic nowadays, these skills will enable young people to distill and leverage their potential. It's not just about working under a single organization; these skills open doors to remote work opportunities and allow youth to showcase innovative problem-solving abilities. This approach fosters sustainability and self-reliance among youth.

How do you see the role of youth in contributing to peace and development, both locally and globally?

Musa: Youth play a crucial role in contributing to peace and development by bringing innovative ideas and fresh perspectives. Locally, they engage in community projects and advocate for change, and they use their skills to address issues like climate change and inequality.

What message would you like to share with youth on International Youth Day?

To all the youth out there, believe in your potential and never underestimate the power of your contributions. Every step you take, no matter how big or small, brings you closer to making a significant impact. Your efforts can change lives and create a better world. Keep striving, keep learning, and keep supporting humanity.

I began my career as an intern at iMMAP Inc., where I learned invaluable skills and gained confidence. I then became an Intern Assistant, supporting and guiding others. Today, I am proud to be an Information Management Officer at GISCOR, supporting UNHCR and other donors.

What is your long-term vision as an Information Management expert?

Musa: As a Computer Science graduate with a passion for information management, my long-term vision is to leverage data and technology to create innovative solutions for humanitarian responses. I aim to be a part of the solution, not just for myself, but for the global community. My vision includes developing innovative IM solutions by creating cutting-edge tools and methodologies to improve data collection, analysis, and dissemination for more efficient and effective humanitarian responses.

I plan to share my knowledge to the communities and provide them with the information skills and tools they need to address their challenges and make informed decisions. Building capacity is also a key focus, as I intend to train and mentor the next generation of IM professionals, particularly youth, to ensure a big pipeline of skilled individuals dedicated to using information for positive change. Fostering collaboration between organizations, governments, and communities to share information and resources is essential for creating a more coordinated and impactful response to humanitarian needs. I believe in myself and my readiness to face challenges and make my vision a reality. I stand to be an iconic figure in information management, solving problems and making a lasting impact on the world.

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