Venezuela is facing an extended socioeconomic crisis resulting in hyperinflation, leaving over five million individuals in need of humanitarian assistance (HRP, 2022-2023). While the economic decline stood at 30% in 2020, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined in 2021 for the seventh year in a row, but this time, by only 3 percent (WFP Country Brief, September 2022).
However, the food security situation across the country remains fragile. According to the WFP Country Brief (September 2022), Venezuela imports more than 70 percent of its processed foods. Making the population highly vulnerable to food insecurity with low access to nutritious food and a varied diet. Due to the current Ukrainian crisis and soaring food prices globally, Venezuela, a country highly dependent on the international market, saw a 30 percent increase in food prices by August 2022 alone.
In April 2021, WFP and the Venezuelan government signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) allowing WFP to establish a presence in the country to provide critical humanitarian assistance to vulnerable communities through food programs and logistical support to the overall humanitarian response.
Since July 2021, WFP has been providing food through school meals as an entry point to reach food insecure communities throughout the most vulnerable areas of the country. By September 2022, the program has been able to reach over 210,000 beneficiaries in areas of operation.