iMMAP Takes Stock of its Support to the Humanitarian Response Across Northeast Nigeria

iMMAP Team at the Nigeria 2022 End of Year Review Workshop

Held on the 6th and 7th of September, the event was attended by humanitarian stakeholders, including donor agencies such as the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) - a principal funder of iMMAP Nigeria projects, the Swiss Embassy for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Foreign Commonwealth and Development Offices (FCDO) of the Government of the United Kingdom, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), and the World Bank as well as UN agencies, national and international NGOs, the academic community, the Nigeria INGO Forum (NIF) and governmental bodies.  

Opening the workshop, Trond Jensen, the head of OCHA Nigeria commented: “I really like your slogan: “better data, better decisions, better outcomes”. It resonates with me. It is great to take stock of what you have been doing, making sure that we have data to understand people's needs better and to plan cost-effective interventions”.

Trond Jenson, Head of OCHA, Nigeria

On the first day, the iMMAP team and partners presented on the various channels of support iMMAP provides, reviewed the impact of the activities, the IM challenges faced by humanitarian actors and assessed opportunities to expand partnerships on targeted activities for next year.  

iMMAP support to the Early Recovery and Livelihoods (Sector) helped improve the visibility of the Sector's activities based on the dashboards and maps you developed for us. We look forward to working even more closely with iMMAP in the coming yearNoelia Blascovich, Sector Coordinator, Early Recovery & Livelihoods

On the second day, the iMMAP country team and representatives from headquarters gathered to evaluate successes and lessons learnt while identifying areas of improvements and possible expansion of activities 

iMMAP Nigeria Team and Representatives from Headquarters

Under the ´Support to Humanitarian Coordination and IM´ project, iMMAP  provided technical expertise to 165 partner organizations, trained 270 participants in IM processes, developed 166 information products, graduated 21 interns while providing IM services to 13 humanitarian sectors and working groups across the BAY states.  

Furthermore, some notable milestones include:; 

  • The reactivation of the capacity building programs in Adamawa and Yobe states, 
  • The launch of the thematic IM and data science courses in Borno state, 
  • IM and capacity building courses to UNDSS, 
  • IM and data management support to the Housing, Land and Property Sub-sector, the Accountability to Affected Populations Working Group and the Nigeria INGO Forum,  
  • A memorandum of understanding signed with the American University of Nigeria to leverage IM and knowledge sharing opportunities.  

Overall, iMMAP’s support to the stakeholders in northeast Nigeria supports helps evidence-based decision making on pinpointing geographical locations and the types of assistance required for affected populations, while ensuring these activities are cost-effective. 

Concluding the event, Sarah Simon, the iMMAP Africa Desk Coordinator, expressed appreciation to the team and partners for their participation. 

Thank you all for coming and attending this workshop. I found it impressive to see the increased support we are providing from bilateral deployments of IMOs in some specific clusters to now bringing IM support to the broad humanitarian actors in BAY states through the HIAU. Sarah Simon, Africa Desk Coordinator, iMMAP

Arie Claassens, iMMAP Nigeria Country Representative, and Sarah Simon, iMMAP Africa Desk Coordinator

Thanks to the highly valued support from the American people through USAID BHA, iMMAP continues to provide critical IM services to partners delivering lifesaving support to crisis-affected people in northeast Nigeria.