iMMAP Inc. Nigeria Engages with the National Bureau of Statistics on Improved Data Ecosystems

Since the beginning of 2024, iMMAP Inc. has been actively engaging with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the federal body that coordinates the production of official statistics in Nigeria, to collaborate on data, information, and knowledge management development.  

In February iMMAP Inc. Country Representative in Nigeria, Amr Osman, made a courtesy call on the Statistician General of the Federation and Chief Executive Officer of the NBS, Prince Adeniran Adeyemi. Discussions revealed data management capacity gaps within the NBS and potential areas for iMMAP Inc.'s technical support., during which he shared iMMAP Inc.’s information management (IM) expertise and explored avenues for lasting strategic partnerships. The discussions during this meeting provided perspectives on the data, information, and knowledge management capacity gaps within NBS and the potential technical support that iMMAP Inc. could provide to address them.  

A capacity assessment exercise in March 2024 led to a proposal outlining four key solutions, focusing on integrating big data collection and analysis, developing systems for seamless data  aggregation, rolling out of knowledge management tools for contextual analysis, and providing capacity building.  The skills development component will empower the NBS team to adopt technological advancements and best practices in Information Management (IM), ultimately fulfilling their mandate of generating high-quality, reliable national statistics.

At the heart of this partnership lies the shared vision of transforming the NBS into a leading, modern, knowledge-based national statistical office in Africa and beyond. The partnership with iMMAP Inc. will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of data integration and enabling the seamless flow of information across government agencies, ministries, departments and agencies, the private sector, the Nigerian citizens, humanitarian and development partners, and all data users.   

The Statistician General's message for 2024 underscores the NBS's commitment to delivering “reliable, timely, and robust data for planning evidence-based decision-making for development and national progress”. This commitment aligns  perfectly with iMMAP Inc.’s vision of a world where no one suffers due to a lack of access to timely, relevant, and reliable information that can transform lives.  

“iMMAP Inc. remains steadfast in supporting our partners to leverage robust digital information systems and capacities in enabling informed humanitarian and development interventions at the federal and state level in Nigeria.”Amr Osman, Country Representative, iMMAP Inc., Nigeria.

The May 21, 2024 meeting between the iMMAP Inc. team and the NBS provided an opportunity to present the proposed solutions and their role in addressing identified gaps. Additionally, the meeting facilitated agreement on the next steps for moving forward, as well as agreement on the next steps, moving forward. 

 Through this collaboration iMMAP Inc. aims to serve as an enabler,  building on its extensive global experience in data, information, knowledge and change management. iMMAP Inc. will also facilitate the adoption of proven information management technologies and approaches to support the formulation of evidence-based decisions. 

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