
Photo: ©WFP/Rein Skullerud



Since 2011, iMMAP Inc. Jordan has been supporting the information management needs of humanitarian actors responding to the crisis in Syria. Based in Amman, iMMAP Inc. Jordan has been supporting coordination mechanisms and crucial information management processes across a range of sectors and within thematic areas such as food security and livelihoods, agriculture, markets and value chains, population movement, urban profiling, and health. In addition to providing critical support to information value chains, iMMAP Inc. Jordan provides capacity development assistance to strengthen existing information management skills to enhance data quality and data sharing.


  • iMMAP Inc.’s long-standing support to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has contributed to better information management processes and coordination of joint assessments such as the Humanitarian Needs Overview, involving over 350 organizations.
  • Since May 2017, iMMAP Inc. has trained 1,131 humanitarian actors in information management and continues to contribute to enhancing data quality for evidence-based decision making.


  • “CARE and iMMAP established a partnership to support the livelihood and value chains component of the Syria Resilience Program (SRP). The ongoing partnership has so far, produced several market assessments which have been used to design specific interventions in the value chains of wheat, livestock, olive and food processing, aimed to increase opportunities for generating new jobs, increasing incomes of the targeted communities and building the resilience of the vulnerable Syrian households.”

    Dr. Amer Jabarin Deputy Chief of Party for Value Chains (SRP) at CARE International
  • "I want to thank IMMAP for the great support that they provided to the 2018 WASH Atlas. The iMMAP team played a crucial role in the project by reorganizing and standardizing the WASH Atlas’ Adobe Illustrator-based templates -- the latter for consistency purposes. I am also thankful for the iMMAP team’s excellent workmanship, professionalism, and their flexibility and prompt responses to questions and clarifications that were asked throughout the course of the assignment.”

    Umar Daraz Information Management Specialist for the WASH Cluster, Whole of Syria (WoS) Sector
  • Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration. HelpAge International Jordan has had the pleasure to closely collaborate with iMMAP on conducting a comprehensive study on the needs, experiences, and inclusion risks of older men and women in Jordan. iMMAP helped facilitate evidence-based decisions through their sector expertise by developing a comprehensive dashboard, providing technical support regarding sample methodology, monitoring techniques, data cleaning and structuring, inferential analysis and many other areas. This serves as a platform to achieve the goal of advocating on behalf of older people in Jordan to better inform stakeholders, at both the governmental and humanitarian aid levels, regarding older people in Jordan. HelpAge is honored to have worked with iMMAP at a highly functional level and with a wonderful team spirit and look forward to further fostering this relationship and collaborating in the near future.

    Stephanie Yousef Inclusion Program Manager at HelpAge International Jordan

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