


Syria remains a complex humanitarian situation, with 5.38 million internally displaced persons (IDPs), and 14.6 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the latest figures provided by the 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO).

iMMAP Inc. has been assisting humanitarian actors responding to the Syria crisis since 2011, focusing on providing critical information management support, including research and analysis, to coordination actors and operational partners. Such assistance contributes to enhancing the Whole-of-Syria approach, leading to better identification of the needs and gaps in humanitarian assistance.

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Latest News

Present and Future of Principled Humanitarian Aid in Northwest Syria

In its Ad Hoc report series, iMMAP Inc. highlights the structural issues in Northwest Syria’s humanitarian landscape and possible paths forward.

Climate and Conflict Convergence Alter the Northeast Syria Dairy Landscape

Northeast Syria's dairy value chain grapples with a myriad of production challenges, including by economic hurdles, environmental changes, and conflict legacies.

iMMAP Inc.'s Crucial Assessment Reveals Strained Bread Supply Chain in Post-Earthquake Northwest Syria

Food insecurity looms over Northwest Syria as earthquake destructions choke local bread supplies and productions.

Türkiye-Syria earthquakes flash updates

iMMAP is committed to supporting the humanitarian effort happening in Türkiye and Syrian following the earthquake. Stay up-to-date on our latest news and products sharing our data and information on the climate catastrophe as well as the humanitarian needs and actions already in place in the region.